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Grace-In-Motion’s nursing home outreach will serve the nursing home residents and staff members of Parker Life Nursing Care Residence. Many of our nursing home residents tend to be forgotten because they are confined to the facility due to their illnesses. Living most of your life being self-sufficient and then suddenly having to depend on others to help you do your daily activities can take a toll on you in every way. We at GIM want to be a light and remind them that they are loved and not forgotten. Together, we can connect and engage with the elderly adults through games, crafts, singing and dancing, reading, listening to their life stories, and much more. We ask you to dedicate some of your time in joining us in uplifting these precious people.

Meeting Location:

Parker Life Nursing Care Residence

1421 River Road, Piscataway, NJ

Meeting Day & Time:

Every 3rd Saturday of the month @ 10 AM


Outreach Leaders:

Samuel Hong (

Enroll nursing home outreach email list

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Nursing Home Outreach

with Parker Life 

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